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Lilynah Vol.4 Shaany 샤니 – Sleeping Out

Model: Shaany 샤니
File size: 85P/370.04MB
Resolution: 6240x4160
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In the image, a woman is standing in front of a shower head. She is wearing a dress that has a ruffled hem and short sleeves. The dress appears to be made of a shiny material, possibly satin or silk. The woman’s hair is dark and she is looking down at her dress.

The shower head is silver and is attached to the wall with two black pipes. There are three bottles of soap on a shelf above the shower head. The background consists of a beige tiled wall. The woman seems to be preparing for a shower, as indicated by her position in front of the shower head and her focused gaze at her dress.

The image does not contain any text or other objects that can be counted or whose actions can be described. The relative positions of the objects are such that the woman is in front of the shower head, which is attached to the wall with two black pipes above it. The soap bottles are on a shelf located directly above the shower head. The beige tiled wall forms the backdrop for this scene.

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